Cleaning and repairing a boat heat exchanger

Описание к видео Cleaning and repairing a boat heat exchanger

Boat heat exchangers are similar to car radiators, only raw water from the river, lake or ocean you are boating in is used to cool the coolant pumped through the engine instead of air. With the exception of keel cooling, this raw water will cause corrosion and blockages in the small tubes that coolant passes over which means that they require regular maintenance to keep them working properly. In Pete's Halvorsen 36 the heat exchanges are in serious need of replacing, but we have a go at cleaning and repairing them to get one last season out of them. This involves removing the heat exchangers, giving them a quick soak in acid, using some Devcon F epoxy putty to repair the housing and then sanding and painting.

Epoxy putty used:

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