How to Palm a Coin - Part 2 - The Classic Palm

Описание к видео How to Palm a Coin - Part 2 - The Classic Palm

Learn how to classic palm a coin. 
Monty's coin magic

You will learn
- Wha classic palm is.
- How to do it
- How to look natural
- How to practice the classic palm
- Vanish a coin using the classic palm
- Two magics two complete magic routinesnes that use a classic palm
- Coin to glass
- Coin through hand

The Classic Palm is probably the most important technique to master in coin magic.  

The Classic Palm allows the magician to hold a coin in their hand, while giving the appearance that the hand is empty. The fingers are seen to move naturally and the hand can function quite normally while concealing a coin.

With practice, you will be able to take a coin and move it into position very quickly, and smoothly. 

You want your hand look natural.  Look at your hand empty, then look at your hand with a coin in classic palm.  You want the hand with a coin to look like without a coin.

Amazon Link:
Modern Coin Magic by J. B. Bobo
If you want to do an in-depth study on coin magic, I recommend this book. It is the best in the industry about coin magic tricks. Most magicians consider it the bible of coin magic tricks.


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