Nigella Drying Tips To Create Your Own Everlasting Flower Arrangements

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What if I said you could create an amazing sustainable everlasting dried flower arrangement with ingredients gathered from your very own garden? Nigella is a lovely flower to grow for fresh summer bouquets. In this video I share my top tips on how to dry nigella so you can use it outside its normal season in your own DIY everlasting floral creations.
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About Me
I’m Fierceblooms, an artisan flower grower who creates “wild garden style” flower arrangements from a 19th Century Wharf and Cheshire canalside flower cutting garden in rural North West of England.

I grow and arrange fresh and everlasting flower creations, influenced by each and every seasonal moment and the wild edges of the surrounding countryside.

My hearts desire is for everyone to return to a more seasonal, scented and sustainable floral life.

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I licence my music from Artlist for my background music needs. Introduction and ending in this video feature "The Meadow" by Ian Post.
#driedflowers #everlastings #dryingflowers #cutflowergarden #flowerarranging


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