603 Fire Mage - Zekvir(??) Let me Solo Him - strat in description. Patch 11.05

Описание к видео 603 Fire Mage - Zekvir(??) Let me Solo Him - strat in description. Patch 11.05

Fire Mage - Zekvir Harmode ?? - 603 Ilvl - completed 28th of November 2024 after Nerfs to both Brann and Zekvir.

Let me solo him - done 28th of November 2024 - TWW Patch 11.05

00:00 Fight
06:00 Gear
06:29 Stats
06:42 Brann setup
06:50 Talents
07:07 Damage Meter
07:29 Healing Meter
07:38 Ending

Priorities in this fight.
1) Survive. If you can live this fight you will eventually kill it.
2) Kill Cocoon's(optimally before it turns to spider). It's better to exert cooldowns to dependably kill the cocoon than it is saving them for spider.
3) Interrupt Zekvir heal. This becomes even more important p2. When it heals for 25% instead of 10% p1.
4) Play around Brann. His potions leave a HoT that stacks. Just like his traps leave a stacking DoT. If Brann dies you can survive as long as you notice potions and prepare them for a HoT. Also, if you glow yellow, you have a damage reduction making you immune to CC, such as Enfeeble Spittle and the ear!
5) Damage on Zekvir. It's a kill even if it takes 20 minutes.

Very important, if Zekvir is about to cast Smash or Web, don't go to the add yet. Smash often goes on Brann, who might be wrongly positioned, but Web ALWAYS goes on you. And in p2 you wanna face Zekvir 45-90 degrees away from the cocoon to bait it, so you can do free damage.

For making it easier make macro's which I only thought of after I did it. Such as target swap macro's with spellcast.


/tar Zekvir
/Cast Counterspell

Best of luck to you all, after nerf's it's easier. And as a mage you have great movement in blink and associated spells. Just don't use too often and forget you're out of charges. I thought Fire Mage would struggle with it, but I have a memory of a fire mage from early Shadowlands, so I was wrong, Fire mage is really good for this fight!

Talents I used:

I took the talents from: https://www.archon.gg/wow/builds/fire...

Some of you may notice, if you watch the video early. There's new talents than what I have. So, either a lot more logs got made public, or the site lied to me, only 2 days ago! I simply refuse to take ANY responsibility!
Good news is, it means multiple talents are functionable for this challenge! Likely more!
I was wondering why Meteor and its follow talent: Deep Impact wasn't taken, but I haven't played fire in 4 years so I don't know. But if you scroll down on:
You'll come to the talent setup I have.

In the Mage Talents I removed:
Frigid Winds (2/2)
Freezing Cold
Ice Cold.(You want Ice Block to me an immunity and not just a big Damage Reduction.)
Greater Invisibility.

I then added:
Reduplication. It mixes REALLY well with Phantasmal Image in the Hero Talent!
Dragon's Breath.
Flow of time(2/2). More blinks is goooood! For me.
Displacement. I used it on my frost mage, didn't need it here, so for me it was a dead talent this time around. I'd suggest Fire Breath if you struggle with killing cocoon.

Energized Barriers were already taken, and you NEED it!

Greater Invisibility has its uses, but I didn't want Brann to tank, I needed him alive and he already struggles.
I also kept Mass Barrier incase I accidentally used my Prismatic Barrier and didn't have it ready for dealing with Enfeeble Spittle. Mass Barrier removes it from EVERYONE it applies to, if you're talented into Energized Barriers.

I then had Sunfury as Hero talent, cause that's what was in the talents I took. And it worked for me, didn't change anything!

In the Fire Tree:
I changed nothing, I haven't played fire for 4 years and I am confused. But it worked anyway, so, all good!

Stats: I tried to adhere by the suggested stats for Fire Mage. Versa is worse than for Arcane, but you can move so much as fire it's all good! During Combustion all your spells should be instant cast, so there's no downtime during your big cd and you can kite around.

My trinkets are:
1) Abberant Spellforge. Yes, I forgot to put it on my bars for half the fight. I swear it feels nice though. Sadly it has a cast time, but it's only .5 seconds so what the hell!
2) Unstable Power Suit Core. I love this trinket, guess why. It's a bigger version of Darkmoon Deck: Ascension. Which imo is very powerful for its ilvl!

Embellishment. Ascension Sigil! That extra stat is sooo good! So yeah!


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