Spring cleaning for your mind

Описание к видео Spring cleaning for your mind

Around this time you might do a deep clean of your house, you sweep out the garage, scrub all the nooks and crannies, get rid of some old clothes, maybe get more active with your health…

But, do you do the same for your mind? Do you "spring clean" your mindset?

• What are some habits you want to eliminate or create?

• What old thought patterns and programs are driving your reality?

• What aspects of "Old You" are still prevalent and creating challenges and limitations for you?

• What upgrades to your "mental operating system" would empower you to reach and exceed your goals for this year and beyond?

In this episode, I will give the framework for taking an inventory of what needs to be "cleaned" out and how to install new, upgraded "mental software."

• Discover how to identify parts of your psychology that need to be upgraded

• Dust away those old "cobwebs" of the mind that are creating challenges and limitations

• How to install a new and improved "operating system" that will empower you to accelerate in your career, relationship, health, and more!


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