Omega Interface by Platnuu

Описание к видео Omega Interface by Platnuu

Completed 6/24/24

no way!!!! (i think im done warming up on my viper now)
SO i played this FOREVER ago, and guess what? I DROPPED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so basically i wanted an ACTUALLY hard level to play and i saw this in my little dropped levels folder, and kinda just started playing it
i think i still had some muscle memory from when i played it because when i started doing runs i almost immediately had the entire thing down, but i still was somewhat inconsistent
played this over the course of like 3-4 days, on the second to last day, CBF was allowed on pointercrate and stuff so i was using that, i almost instantly got SUPER consistent and good at the hard parts, so then on the next day (aka today) i died a BUNCH of times in "far" locations but I beat it

overall, I liked the level, it was nice not having to worry about an impossible ending, since this level is carried by the first 42%, but it also made it somewhat annoying since i would get to 6-10% and die, just to go back to the very beginning, rinse and repeat.

i DID have fun w/ this, but idk if i would recommend just because it is REALLY hard and the beginning is stupid

thumbnail by ‪@XVM76‬ ILY

Attempts: ~4,427, a BUNCH of old atts that idk about
Enjoyment: 7/10
Extremon #381


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