Buxtehude - Abendmusik (Ensemble Masques, Vox Luminis, Olivier Fortin, Lionel Meunier) | Full

Описание к видео Buxtehude - Abendmusik (Ensemble Masques, Vox Luminis, Olivier Fortin, Lionel Meunier) | Full

With the Ensemble Masques and the Vox Luminis Choir (lead by Lionel Meunier), we will enter 17th-century Baroque music and discover the composer Dieterich Buxtehude through his vocal compositions, which range from the spiritual concert, the choral, the aria to the cantata in several parts. parts, and which directly influenced Johann Sebastian Bach.
It is a journey where the violins, the viola, the viola da gamba, the violone, the harpsichord, the boxed organ and the choral ensemble will make us share the legacy and the influence of Dietrich Buxtehude who knew how to cross the borders.

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Ensemble Masques are:
Olivier Fortin (Director, Harpsichord, Organ), Sophie Gent (Violin),
Tuomo Suni (Violin), Kathleen Kajioka (Viola), Mélisande Corriveau (Cello, Viola da gamba), Benoît Vanden Bemden (Violone)

About Dieterich Buxtehude

Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707), today appears as an essential foundation of the Germanic school of the seventeenth century, whose influence on composers like Johann Sebastian Bach, his spiritual son, is paramount. He is an undisputed master of organ music and, after his death 310 years ago, left more than 200 works, including many chorales.
Very innovative, at a pivotal period in the history of music, Buxtehude organized in Lübeck, in the lounge, his "Abendmusiken" (musical evenings). By this musical evening recorded in the sacrificial church of AMUZ, we invite you to discover this unknown composer in a form that was dear to him: the Abendmusiken.

00:00:00 Entrance
00:02:07 Gott hilf mir, BuxWV 34
00:21:55 Sonata in A minor for violone, viola de gamba and continuo, BuxWV 272
00:30:32 Befiehl dem Engel, BuxWV 10
00:37:50 Jesu, meine Freude, BuxWV 60, Aria: Trotz dem alten Drachen
00:52:10 Sonata in D major for viola de gamba, violone and continuo, BuxWV 267
01:01:35 Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr, BuxWV 41
01:21:05 Sonata in B flat major for violone, viola de gamba and continuo, buxWV 267
01:26:07 Jesu, meines Lebens Leben, BuxWV 62
01:33:35 Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BuxWV 223

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