Starting a Career in Financial Planning: Internships, Entry-Level Positions and Training Programs

Описание к видео Starting a Career in Financial Planning: Internships, Entry-Level Positions and Training Programs

Hosted as part of CFP Board’s 2023 Virtual Career Fair, this panel was designed for college students, recent graduates and career changers seeking to start a career in financial planning. The discussion featured a variety of employers discussing career tracks and training programs at their firms, including entry-level positions and internships. Panelists also shared best practices for finding and advancing along the right career path for you.

Moderator: Eddy Demirovic, MBA, PMP, Director of Talent Pipeline, CFP Board Center for Financial Planning

Erich Luebkert, CFP®, Head of II Advice Methodology & Financial Planning, T. Rowe Price Associates

Shelley Saraniti, National Financial Advisor Development Program Performance Executive, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

Dannell Stuart, CFP®, President and Partner, Mission Wealth

Dan Suthers, Financial Advisor Development Program Manager, Vanguard


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