Duplicants Tier List! Stress / Overjoyed Responses Guide (ONI: Spaced Out!)

Описание к видео Duplicants Tier List! Stress / Overjoyed Responses Guide (ONI: Spaced Out!)

I have about 2500 hours of experience playing Oxygen Not Included and thought it would be a good idea to make a tier list of which Duplicants I tend to prioritise based on their stress and overjoyed responses. Morale is very important in Oxygen Not Included, as duplicants with low Morale can accumulate Stress and eventually destroy the colony with their stress responses. On the other hand, duplicants with high Morale can be overjoyed and give the rest of the colony large bonuses. While Traits, Interests, and Attribute values are often more important for determining which Duplicants to pick at the Printing Pod, there are a couple of exceptions. See this video for more info on Duplicant traits:    • Duplicant Traits Tier List! (ONI: Spa...  

Let me know if you have any comments on this list or any funny stories involving specific duplicants in your colonies! Have you had a colony collapse entirely to stress? Have you managed to get everyone to hold a balloon at the same time? If you want to see more of this kind of content, feel free to like the video, and subscribe if you want to see more similar content in future.

Follow me on Twitch at   / erisia_gaming   for Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out playthroughs, where we are currently completing a playthrough on the Blasted Ceres lab seed using the Frosty Planet Pack DLC! You can find all of my streamed ONI playthroughs and other discussion videos uploaded to Youtube and become a member for special perks and video credits by joining    / @erisia_gaming  . There is also the Discord where we frequently discuss this game, share builds, memes and stories, etc: discord.com/invite/h7W8Cp4T5T

Music provided by Chillhop Music: https://chillhop.ffm.to/creatorcred

Intro: 0:00
Stress Responses: 0:53
Vomiters: 1:44
Destructives: 2:54
Binge Eaters: 4:21
Ugly Criers: 5:45
Banshees: 6:51
Cumulative Effects: 7:42
Overjoyed Responses: 8:43
Balloon Artists: 10:08
Sparkle Streakers: 11:42
Super Productives: 13:07
Sticker Bombers: 15:08
Yodelers: 15:50
Cumulative Effects: 17:04
Renaming Dupes: 18:03
Combinations: 18:57
Duplicant Tier List: 20:51
Summary: 34:41
Outro: 38:22
Credits: 40:04


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