Century: Age of Ashes Gameplay #23. Infernal Chase Event is underway.

Описание к видео Century: Age of Ashes Gameplay #23. Infernal Chase Event is underway.

The newest event of the month is...Infernal Chase. A favorite of many a player, except me of course. For those not familiar with the game mode it is basically capture the flag and pass through as many gates as possible before time ends. This mode can end in tiebreakers frequently and it only makes the game last longer. But for the first time this event comes with not only rewards for playing but a new Event Pass. For every achievement you complete on the rewards you receive medals to unlock Event Pass rewards thus more prizes and incentives to play the mode...even if you aren't a fan of it.

Want to know more about the game and join the ranks of the Dragoneer? Fly with us and click on the link provided - https://gsght.com/c/npu38q




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