Crisis Leadership | Gregory Ciottone | TEDxTallinn

Описание к видео Crisis Leadership | Gregory Ciottone | TEDxTallinn

Dr Gregory Ciottone on Ameerika traumatoloog ja rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud traumameditsiini, katastroofimeditsiini ja tervishoiuhariduse ekspert, kelle teenuseid on kasutanud üle 30 riigi maailmas. Gregi juhtida oli esimene riiklik arstiabi meeskond World Trade Centeri katastroofipaigas 2001. aastal nagu ka Haitil 2010. aasta ulatusliku maavärina järel.

Dr Gregory Ciottone is an American traumatologist and an internationally renowned expert in trauma medicine, disaster medicine and healthcare education, whose services have been employed in more than 30 countries all over the world.
During his career, Greg has built experience that includes serving as a flight surgeon for a rescue helicopter system, an Emergency Physician in level-1 Trauma Centers, as well as performing disaster field work in more than 30 countries around the world. He has served as commander of one of the first federal disaster medical assistance teams into Ground Zero during the World Trade Center disaster on 9/11/2001. Greg also led a team into Haiti following the 2010 earthquake and continues to work in that impoverished country providing humanitarian relief. He assimilated that experience to develop the groundwork for a new specialty, disaster medicine, designed to define the parameters by which disasters are prepared for, and victims of disaster are treated.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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