
Описание к видео Dystopiana

Nicola Fenton
October 28, 2022
I LOVE this ! I hope TV producers are listening. This has murder / mystery / drama / psychological thriller all over it.

The Shaded Legend
September 21, 2022
I sat to listen; the rhythm was having none of that. I was carried along by marching aliens, not knowing to where I would be taken. Or was I simply trapped in the inner workings of a fusion powered device that discovers millions of unknown colours? Or perhaps I was skipping across the opaque strings of some celestial piano of never-heard chords, putting an end to all previous musical assumptions.
This piece of music gave me a powerful licence to imagine. Lucky will the one who is granted permission to use this musical puzzle, which by the tasteful absence of predictability, will accentuate the shape of any visual, product, animation or movie attached to it.

QJé composer
September 22, 2022
Very honoured to receive such a creative comment from The Shaded Legend.

Deth tyrant
October 4, 2022
This is super cool. It feels like a story, a conversation. A guide into wonderful journey of sound.

The Anchored
September 30, 2022
Even a bear trap wouldn’t keep me somewhere for 4mins+. I have to say, this music is off the textbook.
Really appreciate the effort you put into this and thanks for sharing.
Couldn’t stop thinking about the space butterfly with a lazer minigin … got a new bookmark.

QJé composer
September 30, 2022
Thanks so much for your comment. I think ‘off the textbook’ is exactly where I want to be. You’re a star!

Jerry from a covers band or two
September 22, 2022
Very much an attention-getter. “Aaarghh, where’s it going next; what’s happening; whyyy?”
Amazing use of what I’m going to call dissonance because I’m not clever enough.
A very off-the-wall piece of original thinking, without being just weird for the sake of it, like some have been, imvho.

QJé composer
September 22, 2022
Well thank you Jerry from a covers band or two. I really appreciate what you’ve said. And whilst I don’t mind being a bit weird – like some of my music – I think I’m weird in a good and creative way, and not just for the sake of it – as you have kindly said.

April 19, 2024
Here is a genuinely authentic musician who, with years of experience, still has the creativity of Genius.

Steve Austin
May 24, 2023
Do you do ping pong panning manually or do you have a plug in that does it for you automatically? Cool effect either way… I like to listen with eyes closed because your tunage will conjure imagery if I do so. Skeletons dancing, a heart monitor, a veil being lifted to expose a woman crying, I could go on and on.

QJé composer
May 24, 2023
Hi Steve. The ping-ponging is sometime manual and sometimes comes with the sample. Delighted you get images in your head with your eyes closed. I’m always intending to give you a movie in your head! Glad it works.

Scott McArthur
November 12, 2022
Bit of a updated Tangerine Dream vibe up to the mid section then off to outer space and back – love it QJ

Kevin McP
November 9, 2022
Nice one – I could listen to this extensively on a brisk walk, country or city. It reminds me of stuff I listened to a lot in the 80s (not quite dance, more Jean Michael Jarre, perhaps), and still listen to now. It’s a mixture of energising and distracting.
For me it’s not music I could study or read to. It seems to pull my concentration more than e.g. JMJ, Tangerine Dream & some Mike Oldfield pieces (these are simply my reference points in a genre that makes up much of my playlists).

QJé composer
November 9, 2022
Thanks for the comments, Kevin. The 80s was really the start of sequencing and digital – now the mainstream. So it looks like I’m in good company then! Have a great day. Best…

Pierre Le Blanc
October 4, 2022
A brisk and menacing walk

QJé composer
October 7, 2022
Can I join you on your next walk, please Pierre. Yours sound like you’re being followed!

Jerry Franks
September 21, 2022
Was just getting into it when it stopped rather unexpectedly at 4:56. Is there more to come?

QJé composer
September 21, 2022
Really glad you were ‘getting into it’. This is the first edition/version. The beauty of digital is that you can revise and republish very easily. Your comment has prompted me to revisit the piece at some point. Thanks Jerry

Nicholas McNair
September 20, 2022
I am not the greatest fan of synthesised sound, but I enjoyed this with all its little details!

Carlton Riley
September 19, 2022
😎😎😎 I like this muchly QJ …. very you, if you get my meaning 😎😎😎

Pierre Le Blanc
September 19, 2022
Very dark in places actually, mostly dark. It would sit perfectly in film or TV. Very clever, respect.

Matthew Bright
September 19, 2022
Great piece. Loved its atonal and de-tuned synths!

QJé composer
September 19, 2022
Thanks Matthew. Yes, I needed to develop the main theme sideways!!!

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