Impact of Outdoor Environment on Natural and Mechanical Ventilation Performance - Dr. John Gallagher

Описание к видео Impact of Outdoor Environment on Natural and Mechanical Ventilation Performance - Dr. John Gallagher

Panelist: Dr. John Gallagher, Assistant Professor in Environmental Systems, Trinity College Dublin
Chair: Dr. Daniel Coakley, Secretary, ASHRAE Ireland
Date/Time: Thu, Aug 13, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM BST
Enquiries: [email protected]
Further Information:

This seminar focuses on outdoor environment and how it affects the performance of both natural and mechanical ventilation in buildings. With the increased recognition of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via aerosol droplets, natural and mechanical ventilation systems need to be harmonized to ensure that buildings (offices, schools, Universities, etc.) minimize the risk of transmission in enclosed spaces. The role of natural ventilation openings in particular is affected by outdoor environmental conditions over the course of a day or across the changing seasons. Therefore, how can we ensure air movements inside a building provides adequate ventilation?

About the Speaker: Dr. John Gallagher is Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering in Trinity College Dublin and is a Principal Investigator in their specialist Air Pollution Research Group. His work over the past twelve years has focused on developing innovative passive air pollution control systems, adopting the 3M (Measurement, Modelling and Mitigation) approach to inform effective designs. His research is underpinned by a low-carbon and resource efficient agenda, aligning with the circular economy agenda and balancing technical, economic and environmental factors in the process. In 2018, he was runner-up in the Horizon Prize on Materials for Clean Air from the European Commission’s DG R&I. Currently, Dr Gallagher is currently involved in several National (e.g. SEAI) and European (e.g. H2020) projects on passive ventilation and environmental quality design solutions, and is working with national and international partners to improve air quality in the built environment.


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