Описание к видео Glock 22C Open Major USPSA HORRIBLE DQ CALL

This was my first match with this open gun in major. It was going decently until the worst DQ call I’ve ever been aware of. Neither of the RO’s (the stage RO nor the pad score keeper RO) called this stoppage. It was a sideline shooter who has in the past been an RO as well. Not sure the uspsa allows fellow shooters to make DQ calls. The gun NEVER BREAKS THE 180 and the video is take exactly at my back which is the ideal place to catch a 180 breakage. You’d be able to see the muzzle of the firearm. The footage shows the muzzle never crossed the 180. Close... sure but broken... NOPE. Not only that. I ran the exact same stage plan on the first run which resulted in a reshoot as the swingers didn’t activate. Not one RO came over to me and gave me a warning or a heads up that it was close so I ran the same stage plan (the same plan that the 6 guys in front of me just ran as well) and that’s when the DQ happened. I’m not complaining. Just saying be careful who u squad with sometimes. This could have been handled much differently. There was also almost a fist fight at the match just after I left. Glad I missed that one!!! If I felt like I truly deserved a DQ, I’d have taken the DQ on the chin and shook everyone’s hand and apologized for poor gun control. Most everyone who sees this video agrees that this should not have ended my match that day. But lesson learned and I’ll be back stronger shooting open major next week!!


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