加拿大疫情福利: 为什么新EI到账小于$500每周 | 没什么今天拿了$500EI就显示报表结束了?NO ACTIVE CLAIM???| EI转CERB Q&A |婷婷谈钱 I'm Tingting

Описание к видео 加拿大疫情福利: 为什么新EI到账小于$500每周 | 没什么今天拿了$500EI就显示报表结束了?NO ACTIVE CLAIM???| EI转CERB Q&A |婷婷谈钱 I'm Tingting

加拿大疫情福利: 为什么新EI到账小于$500每周 | 没什么今天拿了$500EI就显示报表结束了?NO ACTIVE CLAIM???今天的视频主要是针对加拿大新EI (加拿大新失业保险福利)。

***推荐链接,下面的很多推荐链接都有开户奖励或是完全免费的服务(如免费查信用度幅度,免费房屋估价服务),使用下面推荐链接完全不会对你产生额外的费用,婷婷也会因此得到一些小小的佣金,多谢大家的支持 :)

以下是用来加拿大炒股的加拿大的股票交易平台的推荐链接: 可以用来购买美股,加股 (这些平台可以购买美股也可以购买加股和ETF)。

1. Questrade: (点此链接开户可获$50开户奖励,开户奖励需入金$1000并完成股票交易)
注: 如果是同时开了多个不同种类的账户, 如Personal/Margin, TFSA, RRSP, 只有第一个点击开户的账户类型可以拿到开户奖励。


2. Wealthsimple Trade: (0手续费; 点此链接开户入金100并交易$100可获$25现金开户奖励;买卖加币结算的股票,ETF无任何手续费。如果购买美股的话建议用上面第一个链接的QUESTRADE-购买任何ETF都免佣金 如标普500 VOO)
-Canada's first $0 commission stock trading app – Sign up for Wealthsimple Trade & get a $25 bonus when you deposit and trade at least $100


3. Wealthsimple (点此链接开户入金$500可获得$50开户奖励):
Get a $50 bonus when you open and fund your first Wealthsimple Invest account* (min. $500 initial deposit). Cash/Saving accounts are not eligible.


4. ***EQ Bank***: 加拿大日利率最高利率的银行 利息1.25% 可以随时存取,没有任何月费,年费。付账单,转账免费,E-TRANSFER 免费。适合存Emergency fund或是近期需要用的钱。

5. 【老虎证券】-支持港股,澳股,英股,新加坡市场以及美股 (关于资金安全:https://www.itiger.com/help/detail/12...)


婷婷频道专属客服中文微信服务:加微信 TMT688688 (注: 这个是老虎客服微信,不是我个人的微信)

6. **Homewise (Homewise是一家新型的,网上即可完成全部房屋贷款程序的加拿大本地房贷企业。它和30多家银行/贷款机构合作并帮你拿到当前所有银行机构中符合你条件的最低的率。
**企业简介:(合作贷款机构包括: Scotiabank, TD Canada Trust, EQ bank, Desjardins, ICICI Bank, Street Capital, Home Trust, Canadian Western Bank 等)**
服务包括:预先批准贷款 (Pre-approval), 买房贷款(Purchase House/Condo), 更新房贷(Mortgage renew),重新贷款(Refinance); 填写完申请后Homewise会有专门的advisor和你联系并跟进完成你的贷款,很方便 (目前服务于全加拿大,只有魁北克目前还没开通服务)。


7. Breezeful (Breezeful也是一家网上贷款企业-和30+银行合作,帮你拿到最低利率。**这家企业的主打是超低首付---650+信用度的申请人最低只要5%的首付;550+信用度20%首付。这家企业可以做美国和加拿大的贷款,特点是也可以做小城市的贷款,如:NEW BRUNSWICK, PEI,NOVA SCOTIA, NEWFOUNDLAND)


8. Borrowell (免费查询信用分数 Credit Score;为买房贷款做准备.):

9. Properly (提供完全免费的房屋估价报表;和免费的信用度查询公司类似; 轻松知道你的房产价值)
***企业简介:Properly offers Canada's most accurate home valuation report - homeowners get a free assessment of their home’s value that is always up-to-date. The ProperPrice™ Report is a no-obligation, free tool that provides homeowners with Canada’s most accurate home value report, similar to a free credit report.


10. Epilogue (为了防范于未然,遗嘱还是很重要的。这个企业是专业遗嘱律师提供网上律师遗嘱服务,价钱比线下律师会优惠很多; 用下面的链接开户,并使用优惠码:IMTINGTING20 - 可获得$20优惠.)
***企业简介: Epilogue is a simple, fast, and affordable way for Canadians to create their Will and Powers of Attorney online. By answering a series of straightforward questions, anyone can make a legally-binding Will in 20 minutes—without leaving the comfort of their own home or ever having to step foot in a lawyer’s office. Founded by two estate planning lawyers, Epilogue’s best-in-class platform supports customers not only throughout the Will-making process but long after as well.


9. Policy Me (An online life insurance company with competitive pricing and is ofen 10%-20% lower than other insuers in Canada e.g. Sunlife, Manulife 价格一般会比其他保险公司便宜10%-20%):

***Policy Me 的保单由加拿大声誉最好的保险公司之一: Canada Premier LIfe Insurance Company提供。特点: 线上15分钟完成,大多数申请人会立即被审批通过,不用等几周的审批时间。 大多数申请人不需要体检。


10. Mogo Visa* Platinum Prepaid Card-比特币奖励:1%-2% reward by bitcoin; a great way to get free bitcoin.


11. YOUTUBE 频道软件TUBEBUDDY开户Referral链接:

12. 我用到的短租的物品和拍摄器材(亚马逊)

程序员妹子频道 I'm Tingting


Now read my awesome disclaimer! Check it out: I do not provide tax, legal,investing or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. Legal Disclosure: I’m not a financial advisor. The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional 😉.

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