Should You Buy LiHV Batteries? UPDATE: No. You shouldn't. (See video description)

Описание к видео Should You Buy LiHV Batteries? UPDATE: No. You shouldn't. (See video description)

UPDATE: I have concluded that, although LiHV batteries do perform well at first, they do not have the longevity for general purpose use. See here:    • Should You Buy LiHV Batteries? tl;dr ...  

I test Lithium High-Volt (LiHV) Turnigy Bolt batteries to see how they stack up against the exact same battery in a standard LiPo version. Long story short: the HV packs are simply better.

LOS hover side-by-side raw video:    • LiHV Comparison - LOS Hover Test - Ra...  

Head-to-head racing full video with freeze-frames to sync lap starts:    • LiHV Comparison - Head to Head Racing  


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