How to buy iBond from Treasury Direct in 2023 (3-Step guide)

Описание к видео How to buy iBond from Treasury Direct in 2023 (3-Step guide)

In this video, I will tell you why you should get an iBond which currently has 9.62% annualized return in May 2022 (used to be 7.12%) but most importantly how you can purchase an electronic iBond through the TreasuryDirect, an online website to buy government securities directly from the U.S. Treasury, which includes 3 steps 1) how to open an account 2) how to get your account verified in person through bank / broker (medallion stamp) and 3) how to buy a $10K iBond from Treasury Direct website. Moreover, I will also tell you when is the best time to buy so make sure you follow my advice in this video.

00:00 Overview
00:51 Why you should get iBond
04:17 Step 1: Create Account
04:59 Step 2: Verify Account in person
09:30 Step 3: Buy $10K iBond

Top 5 iBond tips:    • Top 5 iBond Tips that can save you $$$  
Where to buy electronic iBond:
Where to get Medallion stamp thread:
New May interest rate calculation:


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#iBond #TreasuryDirect #MedallionStamp #BOA #Inflation #CPI #FIRE #TaxSavings #FixedIncome #TaxHacks #GovernmentBond #SavingsBond


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