Rewind: It's hard out here for a beech

Описание к видео Rewind: It's hard out here for a beech

Team Common is currently working on our transition to a weekly show. We’ll be back this summer with new episodes. In the meantime, here’s one from our archives.

Beech trees are native to the Northeast and make up about 10% of forests in Massachusetts.

The tree, which is identifiable by its smooth trunk and wide canopy, is a crucial habitat and food source for many animal species in the region. But in recent years, a microscopic worm-caused disease (  has been targeting beech leaves, causing many trees to starve to death over time. The disease is spreading, and fast.

WBUR climate and environment reporter Paula Moura (  joins The Common to tell us more about this disease, how to identify it and the race to find a cure to save Massachusetts' beech trees.

Greater Boston’s daily podcast where news and culture meet.


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