Rainbow Trail (pt2)- Colorado Motorcycle trail on KTM

Описание к видео Rainbow Trail (pt2)- Colorado Motorcycle trail on KTM

Parked at Columbine TH then took road to Bear Creek TH (near Salida Colorado). This portion of the video covers the very cool Rainbow motorcycleTrail basically from Bear Creek TH (and then part two video will cover the rest of the trail we did that day up until Kerr TH). Rainbow Trail is 101 miles long (the full trail). Basically you do the full trail in parts. Check out the Colorado Trail map COTREX to see the route to take while riding in Colorado. This ride took place May 14, 2021. Still some snow on the trail.

Please like and subscribe to see more videos of my Colorado dirt bike adventures. Thanks!

***Riding a 2017 KTM 250 EXC-F dirt bike throughout the mountains of Colorado.
***Filming with a GoPro 7 black

***Other YouTube riders from Colorado. Be sure to subscribe and like their videos as well***

******RideWithWill (Husky TE300i, KLX 250)

****Meeker Extreme
   / modette99​  

****ThisMountainLife (Beta Xtrainer, Yamaha YZ):

******Front Range Dad
Check out his video of this same ride:
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Check out my other great videos!
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Summer Riding Colorado
   • Summer Riding-KTM 250 EXC-F  ​

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Trail #770​
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I use Shinko tires:

Ride KTM enduro motorcycles:

Tow my KTM with Kendon motorcycle trailer:

Fox Helmet (for dirt biking):

#enduro​ #dirtbike​ #Colorado #KTM​ #gopro​ #SingleTrack​ #Enduro​ #Motorcycle​ #CoolEyeColorado​ #dreckiges​ Fahrrad #bicicleta​ sucia #motocicleta​ #Motorrad​ #摩托车​ #мотоцикл​ #Эндуро​ #крайний​ #extremo​ #moto​ #moto​ cross #shinko​ ​ #mountains​ #RideWithWIll​ #Rainbow Trail #RainbowTrail #Colorado #snow #Spring #ST #guys

Extreme dirt bike dans les montagnes du Colorado.
Montar en bicicleta de tierra extrema en las montañas de Colorado.
Extremes Dirtbike fahren in Colorado Bergen.
Ekstremal'naya yezda na bayke po gryazi v gorakh Kolorado.Like & Subscribe!

Please like and subscribe to see more videos of my Colorado dirt bike adventures. Thanks!


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