Silky Bigboy Outback - 1st Wood

Описание к видео Silky Bigboy Outback - 1st Wood

Silky Bigboy Outback - 1st Wood

Out of the package, and into some Big Dry Wood (first cuts out of the packaging ;-)

Not a review, just the first use application & gettin' some work done solo.

Local told me the trail was blocked by a couple large downed trees. He kinda smiled side-ways at me :-/ when I said I just got a new pocket-saw :-o , and would check it out that afternoon.

I was not expecting such a pre-tensioned mess, but this new Silky had not been broke in yet, so ... ;-)

A few post-first-use comments:

1) The blade coating appears to be doing a better job than non-coated Silky blades I have used previously.

2) Thick bark, on larger diameter logs, clogs up the teeth (kerf) pretty fast. Learned quickly to strip the bark before the cut. At 8:50 into video, you'll notice I partially stripped the bark on the Tension Cut of 2nd cut (all remaining cuts I paid particular attention to strip all bark in cut area.) Tomahawk made quick work of this ;-) At 3:15 into video you can see the bark thickness where I cut just thru it to make a stand for my camera-phone to rest while filming the under-cut aka under-buck (tension cut). At 11:15 in to video I show/discuss bark stripped entire circumference of saw cut area.

3) Blade Pivot came loose during cutting (you can hear some rattle occasionally). Suggest tensioning and thread-locking (done now).

4) I think the curved blade gave me more problems than solutions :-/

5) Noticed some blade chatter (bounce out of cut) with these XL Teeth (6.5/30mm aka 5.5/inch) on dry wood. 

6) Grain direction of wedges should be perpendicular (opposite orientation from how we would select grain direction on a hawk haft, but similar to grain orientation of a wedge we would use for an axe handle eye).


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