We Can Learn to Love Again.

Описание к видео We Can Learn to Love Again.

Tangled Spoilers. Video contains flashes. Read the description if you're interested in the confusing story~

The idea for this video came about shortly after I first heard this song. I had this song stuck in my head and found myself wondering "if they were ever silly enough to make a Tangled sequel...what would it be about??" Suddenly I was imagining a fanfiction/move trailer thing and coming up with a story for the sequel. In it, Rapunzel and Eugene have a fight because she sees him with another woman and misunderstands. Then an evil villain comes and kidnaps Eugene and Rapunzel's love for Eugene is challenged and she meets a friendly guy who becomes a rival for her and there's all these obstacles getting in the way of the two, but it doesn't matter because in the end she saves Eugene! It was one of those things where you find a really good fanfiction idea that you wish would actually happen. I was really proud of the story but I'm too lazy/busy to write a 20 chapter fanfiction to it xD So instead, I decided to make this! Now, not to confuse you. The story of this video is not at all related to my little Movie 2 fanfiction! The only similarity is that in both, Eugene and Rapunzel are having problems (although their problems are worse in this video than in the other story xD) and also the song is a similarity because it sort of inspired the whole thing. And I thought it would be cool for this song to play during the movie 2 trailer loll but anyway~

The story of this video:
Is...somewhat obvious, so I'll just point out the technical details. Most of this video takes place AFTER Eugene and Rapunzel get married. At the video's start is their wedding, followed by a flashback of their first meeting. At 0:30 the flashback is over and it's showing their life a while after they've been married. Just like the song, they're having problems and issues.... Very depressing ^^; There are flashbacks mixed in all over the place. If it's black and white that always means it's a flashbacks, but there are some flashbacks that are still in color (I'm sorry it's so confusing ^^;;.) Basically the video shows them going through all this and at the same time thinking back to the way it used to be. The most important scene starts at 2:06. They are fighting and Eugene leaves the house because he's upset. There are flashbacks and then when it shows Eugene saving Rapunzel from drowning--- At that part the story skips ahead to later that day. Then it goes back to show you what lead up to that moment -- After Eugene leaves the house Rapunzel runs off, Eugene finds her tower empty and then he chases after her (btw there are flashbacks mixed into this part.) Then Rapunzel jumps to her death, but Eugene is able to save her, dying in the process. And well...you'll see what happens in the video. In one sentence, this video is about how they've been drifting apart but finally realize how strong their love is, and all they want is to start over.

This is definitely my favorite Tangled video yet. I love it so much! And it was loads of fun to make. Tangled is just so fun to mess with and give new meanings to the scenes. When it started out, I had a very artistic idea for this video. I wanted to do interesting things with the text and make it look like the words were imbedded in the footage or something xD But that would've taken too long and it didn't look how I wanted it to anyway...so I stuck to simple editing. In this video I got to do one of my favorite things: adding coloring to change the footage instead of just to enhance. I get frustrated using colors just to make a boring video look more interesting, but I love using them to manipulate scenes and make it look like two characters are in the same room when they're not xD It means I don't have to mask! Speaking of which, how did you like the masked scene with the two on the bed? I was proud of that but too lazy to do a mask like that a second time (plus I had no ideas). But in the end, I didn't have to work hard to make this video look good. The footage did it all for me! (NEWEPICTANGLEDFOOTAGEFTW!!!)
Well, don't want to make this too long-winded. I really hope people like this! And if it pulled on some heartstrings, that would make me happy :D
PS: After wanting it for sooo long I've finally gotten beautiful Tangled footage. o~o Except you can't tell here T__T I couldn't render this in hd or my computer probably would've shut off.


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