釜石市役所付近に押し寄せる津波 【視聴者提供映像】

Описание к видео 釜石市役所付近に押し寄せる津波 【視聴者提供映像】

Tsunami surging to Kamaishi city office and surrounding area (Footage provided by viewer) The Japanese text is followed by an English translation.


Footage: A capture of the tsunami attacking Kamaishi city, Iwate prefecture. Mr. Takahiro Yamaguchi, a resident of Kamaishi city recorded the video. At around 3:25p.m. approximately 40 minutes since the earthquake, the street in front of the second Kamaishi city hall building (3-chome Tadakoe-cho, Kamaishi city) is in an uproar hearing about the arrival of the tsunami.
Mr. Yamaguchi joins those people rushing to take refuge, running up to the city office's higher elevated grounds and facing the camera southward, in the distance. About 150 meters away, near prefectural road No.4, mist and sea spray are rising into the air. Rubble and cars that have been pushed inward by fierce currents are filling up the road in an instant. Currents from the bay (Left on screen, to the east) have somehow already reached the intersections near the city office building, increasing its force in mere moments and flowing inland (Right on screen, to the west).
Eventually, a torrent rushes to the front of the city office building, and people shout "Run!" amongst each other. Mr. Yamaguchi runs up even higher, near the entrance of the first city hall building (under construction at the time) and terminates recording on his video camera.

In this footage, there is a final video recording of a man(age 81) and woman (age 59) who passed away due to the tsunami. This footage was made available to distribute under the permission of their bereaved family.
In distributing the footage, the bereaved family talks about the "importance of taking refuge as soon as you can". They say that...

【Bereaved family of Man】
"There are many people who passed away due to hesitation before evacuation, in order to protect their valuable possessions. There is nothing more valuable than life and one must do everything to protect it. 'Run for your life' There are no words stronger than these."

【Bereaved family of Woman】
"When I saw this footage, I thought about what could've been had they (the deceased) begun running a little earlier. The line that divides life and death is dependent on this mere time difference."

Additionally, Mr. Yamaguchi who recorded the video says, "I've seen many people taken by the tsunami before my very eyes. When I think about those people who couldn't make it, I feel there is not a day I can waste in living."

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