Inevitable Rakdos Reanimator | OTJ Standard | MTG Arena

Описание к видео Inevitable Rakdos Reanimator | OTJ Standard | MTG Arena

Today we are playing a reanimator deck built around the newish reanimation card [[Rakdos Joins Up]]. I believe this enchantment is one of the best reanimation cards in standard right now since the best reanimation targets of [[Etali, Primal Conqueror]] and [[Atraxa, Grand Unifier]] are legendary so we get the added benefit of nearly inevitable damage to our opponent. This deck packs lot of removal to deal with early threats, so we can hopefully survive to turn 4 or 5 to cast our reanimation spell. [[Greedy Freebooter]] and [[Corrupted Conviction]] gives us a powerful turn 1-2 sequence that can allow us to cast our payoffs a turn earlier. [[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse]] synergizes well with all our card draw/discard effects such as [[Brass's Tunnel-Grinder]] allowing us to gain a bunch of life. Lastly, this deck was designed with rotation in mind so all the cards will still be playable until next fall. Watch the video to see the deck in action!

Check out my Untapped profile below and find the deck to see more about how it performed.

LINKS (decklist at bottom of description):
Discord Server:   / discord  
Untapped Profile:

00:00 - Overview
07:45 - Match 1 vs Boros Convoke
21:00 - Match 2 vs Boros Illuminator Virtuoso
25:05 - Match 3 vs Orzhov Control
28:25 - Match 4 vs Izzet Control
34:31 - Match 5 vs Orzhov Lifegain
40:36 - Outro

Let me know your deck ideas below or what you have would have done differently!

If you liked the video, feel free to subscribe to keep up with whatever wacky deck ideas I come up with, and catch me streaming live on YouTube.


4 Greedy Freebooter (LCI) 109
1 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal (LCI) 88
3 Mountain (OTJ) 284
3 Etali, Primal Conqueror (MOM) 137
4 Bitter Triumph (LCI) 91
3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (DMU) 107
1 Restless Vents (LCI) 284
2 Brass's Tunnel-Grinder (LCI) 135
7 Swamp (OTJ) 282
4 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (ONE) 196
1 Deadly Cover-Up (MKM) 83
4 Sulfurous Springs (DMU) 256
2 Conduit Pylons (OTJ) 254
2 Raucous Theater (MKM) 266
4 Blackcleave Cliffs (ONE) 248
4 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
1 Matzalantli, the Great Door (LCI) 256
4 Rakdos Joins Up (OTJ) 225
3 Corrupted Conviction (OTJ) 84
2 Cavern of Souls (LCI) 269
1 Case of the Crimson Pulse (MKM) 114


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