Sadhguru-Being unique is better than being special

Описание к видео Sadhguru-Being unique is better than being special

CHeck Sadhguru's book "Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga"
-not a single atom in the existence can happen without the hand of the creator in it.
-Every form can be seen as divine but essentially it is formless.
-source of creation is very much within you.
-One believes something because they are not sincere enough to admit that they do not know.
-Somebody believes there is god, somebody believes there is no god, both are in the same boat.
-both of them are not straight enough to admit that they do not know.
-do not understand the immensity of, ‘I do not know.’
-I do not know,’ is a tremendous possibility.
-Only if you see, ‘I do not know,’ the possibility of knowing arises within you.
-Everything that you do not know if you believe
you’re destroying the very possibility of knowing.
-Every human being is unique in his own way. If he tries to be special he’ll only end up aping somebody, he will not be himself.
-So when the life is unique, every leaf on the planet is unique, every atom in the existence is unique, where is the need for you to be special.
-Being unique is better than being special
-The very air that I breathe, the rock that I sit on, the atmosphere around me, just everything was me.
-source of Creation is throbbing in everything. Because people are unconscious that such a huge thing is happening within them, there is a possibility of them feeling lonely.

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