So, ChatGPT wrote the bit below this. I use it as a quick way to add, hopefully, high-performing words for the algorithm. But, I'm here to tell you that I've been at this for many years. I lost an entire bed of worms because I bought something toxic in manure from my local farm store. I'm still unsure if it was dewormer, still too hot, or an abundance of salt that killed my worms. I never again want to feel how I felt when I opened the bed and there were no more living worms in it. I could smell it before I opened the cover. Since then I've learned how to collect bedding from around the property and, turn it into something way better than the other stuff anyway!
Unlocking the mineral content in all of the hard, clay soils would remediate everything that was done by past generations by over-farming. By mixing the native soil with organic material we can replace and rebuilt everything that was stripped away since centuries past. Imagine what might happen if every bid of green "waste" was turned into compost and reintroduced into our ecosystem. The entire world could be one, enormous, garden. I hope that one day it is the goal of mankind to, once again, create a mycyllium system that stretches around the world.
Unlocking minerals in sand, silt, and clay with the help of earthworms and microbes is a powerful method to boost soil fertility naturally. Introducing leaves and finished compost as microbial sources into the worm box creates an ecosystem where worms and beneficial microbes work together. These microbes, along with the activity of earthworms, break down organic matter and release essential minerals, like calcium, potassium, and magnesium, from the sand, silt, and clay into plant-available forms. Every one is us contributes in our own way. Keep going, y'all!
As earthworms process this nutrient-rich bedding, they improve soil structure and create worm castings full of plant-ready minerals. This composting process, known as vermicomposting, accelerates nutrient cycling and supports sustainable gardening. Microbial action further enhances nutrient availability by mineralizing nitrogen, phosphorus, and micronutrients like iron and manganese, which plants need for robust growth.
This blend of sand, silt, clay, and organic matter promotes nutrient-dense soil and fosters a living system. This simple, organic technique helps your garden thrive by delivering balanced, slow-release nutrients that build long-term soil health. 🌱 #Earthworms #SoilMicrobes #Vermicomposting #SoilFertility #OrganicGardening #SandSiltClay #WormCastings #SustainableGardening #NaturalFertilizers #SoilNutrients
00:00 intro
01:09 Collecting sand and silt
04:20 Inside the worm box
06:05 Sifting
12:08 Adding new bedding
14:54 List of minerals released
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/ @differentkim
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