Praise You Anywhere

Описание к видео Praise You Anywhere

Monday, August 12, 2024
"Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him in his mighty heavens!" (Psalm 150:1)
My students have always had a highly developed sense of fairness. That is, making sure that things are fair to them from their perspective. Not one of them wants to miss out on any perceived benefit.
You might have seen this in your own family. One child is tearfully indignant that their sibling's bowl seems to have a fraction of an ounce more ice cream than their bowl.
Jesus encourages us to have the faith of a child (Matthew 18:3). He is not talking about "childish" faith -- the petty, petulant, pouty attitude that is obsessed with which bowl has more ice cream. Rather, Jesus wants us to have "child-like" faith -- trusting that God is good and accepting whatever comes from his hand.
"This song is about turning to praise in and out of every season," said Brandon Lake, the song's author. "There are times when we're surrounded by storms and times when we're living in immense blessing...We light God's heart up when we simply praise no matter what we're facing. Your situation might not change, but choosing to praise will change your perspective. This will get your eyes off a storm and onto God."


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