Carry On Sailing. Volvo Penta 2003 Yacht Engine Rebuild. Part-3

Описание к видео Carry On Sailing. Volvo Penta 2003 Yacht Engine Rebuild. Part-3

Sailing video from Scotland to Poole, we did not make it. After haul-out at Holyhead the engine is removed and completely rebuilt. Boat repairs and improvement boat-projects begin.

But what does it mean to "Rebuild" or "Recondition" a marine diesel engine? This video provides insight.

Starring Michael Schmidt & Partner - The "Yacht Broker". Motive Marine of Southampton, who supplied the Not-Fit-For-Purpose engine to the previous owner, and then they wanted another £3000! to make it Fit-For-Purpose, and RB Marine of Rosneath who filled it full of silicone sealant, and me, the victim of the booby-trap.

Also starring a fantastic engineer and we look inside the engine and see what reconditioning an engine looks like.

A great video for anyone who likes engines, mechanics, or boat-projects. Or, if you're thinking of buying a reconditioned engine for your yacht this video may help inform your conversation.

#WesterlyStorm #Westerly #WesterlyYachts #VolvoPenta #VolvoPenta2003 #EngineFailure #EngineRebuild #EngineLiftOut #BoatProjects #Holyhead


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