DCS Mosquito FB VI | Start Up

Описание к видео DCS Mosquito FB VI | Start Up

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A couple of things we need to bear in mind reference switch locations in the cockpit. As there are a number of engine controls behind the pilots seat. You have a couple of choices, the first of which is simply moving your head, using Track IR or VR. Alternatively you can switch to the Nav/Obs seat, by selecting the number 2 key and rotate your view using the num pad keys. You can then return to the pilots view using the number 1 key.
On entering a cold and dark mosquito your parking brake should be on by default. The key combination to manipulate the parking switch is left alt and T.
Now we need to apply power to the aircraft by selecting the electrical services switch. Move your mouse pointer over the switch and depress your RIGHT mouse button.
Having switched on the electrical services we need to carry out a number of visual checks the first of which is the Voltmeter . The needle should be reading in excess of 24 volts if the battery is fully charged.
Check that the bomb doors are closed. The selector should be in the centre neutral position and the light switch beneath the cover should not be illuminated.
Check the bomb control switches beneath a Perspex cover. All the switches must be in the up, off position.Move your mouse pointer over the release catch and depress your left mouse button. To close it again repeat the process but this time depress your right mouse button
Check that the undercarriage emergency knob is in the normal position. The switch is situated below and to the rear of the pilots right arm rest.
The main undercarriage lever has a safety catch to prevent inadvertent activation and this must be engaged, which it is by default.
In our Mosquito the critical operating air pressure is 200 pounds per square inch. So we need to check the triple pressure gauge.
Moving onto to the fuel setting checks. For this we will swap to the second seat.
For start up, taxi and takeoff your fuel cocks must be set to OUTER TANKS. Starting with your starboard tanks depress your left mouse button whilst over the switch. Repeat the process for the PORT tanks but depress the right mouse button.
We now need to set the throttles to our left. We do this by using our HOTAS and opening them to approximately half an inch of travel.
Next we set the RPM levers to fully forward using the page up keys. Other bindings are available.
Your mosquito is fitted with a supercharger for setting high and low gears. For start up the supercharger switch must be in the down position Low Gear.
Moving to our right we have the radiator shutter switches. They must be closed for start up.
Back to the second seat and the pressure venting cock. moving it to the up position turns the pressure venting on. Use the RIGHT mouse button to do this. Now visually check that the fuel transfer cock is in its default up position for off.
Next visually check that the immersed fuel pump switch is in the off position.
We need to prime the engines prior to start up which is done externally. Making contact with the ground crew is a two stage process. First we need to open the port window. Move the mouse pointer over the handle and depress the LEFT mouse button.
You now need to contact the ground crew. Using the (RAlt + # or RAlt + \) keys, to access your Push To Talk comms menu. Then Instruct your ground crew to "START PRIMING ENGINES" by selecting (Option 8) followed by (Option 6). If we fail to complete this step the engines will not start.
We are going to start the port engine first so we need to switch on the port magnetos. this is done by depressing the right mouse button, starting with the left hand switch first.
Next we must open both the starter and boost switch covers to access the buttons beneath, again using the right hand mouse button.
Depress the starter switch using your LEFT mouse button and keep it depressed whilst we activate the boost button.
With your left mouse button still depressed move the mouse pointer over the boost button and depress your RIGHT mouse button. As soon as the engines catches release both mouse buttons together. The boost cover will close automatically but you will need to close the starter cover.
An important point to note is that engine turning periods or engine start attempts should not exceed 20 seconds. If the engine fails to start, you must wait 30 seconds before attempting the process again.
Once Port engine has started we need to warm it up. Using the throttles slowly apply input, increase to 1200 RPM. We can now repeat the engine start process for the starboard or right engine.
Finally with both engines started we need to set the radiator flaps or shutters to open. Depressing the LEFT mouse button for each RADIATOR SWITCH. Starting with the left hand switch first.


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