FFF 2.0: Obtaining high resolution distributions of nanoparticle size and zeta potential

Описание к видео FFF 2.0: Obtaining high resolution distributions of nanoparticle size and zeta potential

This webinar will show how complex nanosuspensions, consisting of macromolecules and nanoparticles with sizes 1-1000 nm, can be characterized with high resolution using field-flow fractionation (FFF) coupled to a multi-angle light scattering (MALS) detector. In the life sciences and medicinal fields, FFF-MALS is beneficial for characterizing and isolating gene vectors, liposomal drug formulations, protein aggregates and exosomal biomarkers, but it is also useful in environmental and industrial applications such as lignocellulose, starch, latex paints and effluent or soil particulates.

The principle of separation by Flow-FFF and determination of size using MALS is presented. The FFF 2.0 workflow and novel software platform are demonstrated, from initial simulations and rationalized method refinement to the final, fully-optimized method with data analysis. In addition, the new method of determining electrophoretic mobility by Electrical/Asymmetric Flow-FFF (EAF4) is introduced, with examples to include particles and proteins.


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