HBBC - Witness - "You Were There"

Описание к видео HBBC - Witness - "You Were There"

This has to be one my favorite songs on witness this year.....
Witness Singing "You Were There" at Heartland Baptist Bible College In Oklahoma City for the Graduation Preaching Conference 2014 Sarah Simon is singing the solo

Vs 1
Weary from the trials that it seemed I faced alone.
Wondering why God left me here to struggle on my own.
I thought of all the verses and the Scriptures I had read.
How He promised to be with me,
How He never would forsake me.
So with all the faith within me, I cried out to God and said,

"You were there for Moses; you were there for Joseph;
you were there for David when he didn't have a prayer.
You were there for Stephen so I believe in time I'll see,
through it all, you were there for me.

Oh there'll be days of silent suffering, when it seems that no one cares.
Years may come and go, without an answer to my prayers.
Oh but may I never question, your unfailing love for me.
And like the saints who've gone before me, may my faith be one more story ,of a life lived for your glory so that others will believe.

Like Paul and Silas, John and Peter , Daniel , Abraham, I will trust in you, and hold on to, that same unseen hand.

The unseen hand
I'm trusting to the unseen hand, that guides me thru this weary land


Through it all, You were there for me.....


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