A SHARK is after my YELLOWFIN WHITING in the livewell - South Australia

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A SHARK is after my YELLOWFIN WHITING in the livewell - South Australia

A short video of earlier this week when a small 1m long bronze whaler shark decided to try to get my yellowfin whiting in the livewell. You need eyes in the back of your head these days while surface lure and bait fishing for yellowfin.

But seriously, some people never see sharks, and with me it’s 7 times in about 1 year. Not complaining too much, as they are awesome to see; magnificent marine creatures. But, they do cramp my style a bit, like a pesky little brother, always wanting a piece of you, lol.

Track: Lost Sky - Fearless pt.II (feat. Chris Linton) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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