JOIN THE REBEL ALLIANCE! Legacy Esper Standstill with a Lin Sivvi Chain! Saga Typhoon Converter MTG

Описание к видео JOIN THE REBEL ALLIANCE! Legacy Esper Standstill with a Lin Sivvi Chain! Saga Typhoon Converter MTG

I play a Magic the Gathering Online Legacy league with Esper Rebel-Still Standstill, a throwback tribal control deck from Patreon subscriber Brady! Brady has brought back Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero to headline an updated Legacy Standstill with a spicy little rebel chain! Urza's Saga and Shark Typhoon back up the squad, plus the new (to Magic Online) Currency Converter! Legacy control at its purest! MTG


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0:00 Intro
0:50 Deck Tech
8:55 Round 1
31:33 Round 2
43:38 Round 3
1:05:50 Round 4
1:19:45 Round 5
1:45:09 Final Thoughts

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