Debating Art - Advanced Training Debate Workshop: Week 5 (Term 2)

Описание к видео Debating Art - Advanced Training Debate Workshop: Week 5 (Term 2)

Presentation by Lucie Slamova and Rhys Steele. Delivered over Zoom for the Manchester Debating Union on 01/03/2021.

You can find a PDF of the presentation on the slides & recordings database:

00:00 - Start
00:49 - What is art?
02:09 - What do people get from engaging with art?
11:05 - The role of art in forming social narratives
18:11 - What kind of messages get represented in art
28:40 - Does art reflect the artist?
36:40 - Representation in art and why it matters
44:06 - Key takeaways
45:55 - Audience questions

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