LTSPICE Tutorial: Voltage Controlled Switch, Pulsed Voltage Source, RC Charge & Discharge

Описание к видео LTSPICE Tutorial: Voltage Controlled Switch, Pulsed Voltage Source, RC Charge & Discharge

Most introductory circuits textbooks have a section covering first-oder RC circuits. In this section usually a Single Pull Double Throw (SPDT) switch is employed to demonstrate RC charge and discharge action. However, modeling this RC charge and discharge in LTSPICE (or other SPICE programs) is not necessarily straightforward. In this video I will show how use multiple voltage controlled switches to create a SPDT switch in LTSPICE. I will also cover creation of a pulsed voltage source which connects to the voltage controlled switch. Finally, a RC charge and discharge circuit is shown using voltage controlled switch and pulsed voltage source. A similar circuit appears in most texts, but this one is specially based on the circuit in the Ulaby text.

Using LTSPICE to simulate Example 5-11 in "Circuit Analysis and Design" by Ulaby, Maharbiz, and Furse pg. 285. This is a free/open educational textbook on basic circuit design found here:


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