Full History: The Kingdom of Ashanti "Who Are the Real Ashantis? (Explained in Twi)

Описание к видео Full History: The Kingdom of Ashanti "Who Are the Real Ashantis? (Explained in Twi)

It is believed that the Ashanti ethnic group settled in the rainforests of what is today Ghana between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries. The original form of political and social organization was the Ashanti tribe. However, there were ties to other groups from the beginning.

The Ashanti are part of a larger group, the Akan, and share many cultural characteristics with other Akan peoples. Their staple crops are yams, and they also eat plenty of plantains and taro. Ashanti ethnicity is claimed by millions of modern Ghanaians today. While many Ashanti have moved to cities, the majority of their modern population is rural, and ancient lifeways are still preserved in contemporary villages.
As the Ashanti tribes grew in size and power, they began forming kingdoms. In 1670, Osel Tutu united all the kingdoms and became Asantehene, or king, of the Ashanti Empire in 1696. Tutu is regarded as an expert diplomat, and he immediately negotiated several alliances to create the Ashanti Union in 1700. He also built a capital, Kumasi, which remains an important city in modern Ghana.

Within fifty years, the Ashanti commanded the largest and strongest state on the Guinea Coast. They had two great sources of wealth. First, they controlled access to highly productive gold mines. The region was so rich in gold that Europeans simply called it the ''Gold Coast.'' Second, they ran an exceptionally profitable slave trade. Thanks to their wealth, many Ashanti were able to specialize in crafts, and their woodcarvings and textiles are renowned for their beauty.

The legitimacy of the Asantehene came from the Golden Stool. Ashanti people believe that the Golden Stool came down from heaven, and it serves as the Asantehene's throne. This shows that the king is favored by the gods.


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