Essential Oils for Spirituality, Health, Beauty & Raising Your Vibration

Описание к видео Essential Oils for Spirituality, Health, Beauty & Raising Your Vibration

Essential Oils for Spirituality, Health, Beauty & Raising Your Vibration // I share my top favorite essential oils and beginners guide.

☆ Join Our Flourish Community // Anyone who signs up as a new member this month will receive $25 off the kit, The Oily Life Guide, and access to our Flourish Community! Starter Kit Link (24% off retail): Explanation of how to Sign Up:

☆ CBD Oil Recommendation: Receive 10% off through January! Use code: cbd10

☆ Starter Kit Includes: Diffuser, Lavender, Peppermint Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Copaiba, Frankincense, Thieves®, Citrus Fresh, Raven, DiGize, Vitality, PanAway, Stress Away, Thieves Household Cleaner 1-oz, NingXia Red® 2-oz, and more!

Timestamps //
5:45 Top Oils for Spirituality & Raising Your Vibration
14:28 Top Oils for Health
20:10 Top Oils for Beauty

This video is about how to connect with the plant kingdom through the angle of essential oils. They are the soul or "essence" of the plant and have very powerful benefits to our energy and bodies. Plants are medicine and can assist vibrationally and with our health. I share my favorite and the top essential oils for creating sacred space, clearing energy, raising your vibration, calming anxiety, reducing stress and relaxing. I also share the best essential oils for health and beauty.

On this channel I share info on personal development, the law of attraction, health, how to raise your frequency, balance, empowerment and spirituality.

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