Yesh Tikvah Jewish Music Videos

Описание к видео Yesh Tikvah Jewish Music Videos

Boys Town Jerusalem Choir sings Yesh Tikvah at the tenth UK Jewish Choral Festival. The festival is a great way for school children to support Boys Town Jerusalem. The BTJ boys do an amazing rendition of Benny Friendman's original Yesh Tikvah.
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   • Yesh Tikvah Jewish Music Videos  

Yesh Tikvah Lyrics

Tistakel Po Ve Sham
Misaviv LaOlam
Yesh Tsarot, Da’agot
Hachiuch Ne’elam

Ach al tir’eh rak shachor
Ki gam zeh ya’avor
Vehakol yistader
Ki Hashem ya’azor

Yesh tikvah
Im nashir kulanu yachad
Yesh emunah chazaka mikol hapachad
Lo nipol lo nir’ad
Ki anachnu lo levad
Yesh lanu Hashem Echad

Yesh tikvah
Im nashir kulanu yachad
Yesh emunah chazaka mikol hapachad
Lo nipol lo nir’ad
Ki anachnu lo levad
Yesh lanu Hashem Echad

Hey achi
Bo iti
Sim yadcha beyadi
Al tidag al tifchad
Ki nitsad yad beyad
Hakadosh Baruch Hu
Et Kulanu Ohev
Od tir’eh shemachar
Yigamer hake’ev

Yesh tikvah

Take a look, here and there,
All round the world,
There are sorrows, there are worries
The smile disappears
Don't fear, when it's all black
Because this, too, will pass
And it will all work out
Because G-d helps out

There is hope,
If we all sing together
There is faith that is stronger than all fear
We won’t fall, we won’t shake
Because we are not alone
We have the one and only HaShem

There is hope,
If we all sing together
There is faith that is stronger than all fear
We won’t fall, we won’t tremble
Because we are not alone
We have the one and only HaShem

Hey, brother,
Come with me
Put your hand in mine
Don't worry, don't be afraid,
Because we walk, hand in hand
The holy One - blessed be He
Loves all of us
You'll see tomorrow that
The pain will be over

There is hope,
If we all sing together
There is faith that is stronger than all fear
We won’t fall, we won’t shake
Because we are not alone
We have the one and only HaShem

There is hope,
If we all sing together
There is faith that is stronger than all fear
We won’t fall, we won’t shake
Because we are not alone
We have the one and only HaShem

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