10.1 PVP CRAFTED GEAR GUIDE! Get 450 ILVL Precog and more! Available to craft right now!

Описание к видео 10.1 PVP CRAFTED GEAR GUIDE! Get 450 ILVL Precog and more! Available to craft right now!

Simple guide on how to craft a 450 ILVL crafted item with precog.

The new systems are COMPLICATED for some of us PV-PEA brains (myself included). Hopefully this helps some of you get ready for the new season to do the MOST DAMAGE possible. Be sure to stop by/follow the stream if you have more questions or anything specific about your class/spec!

  / ezgamel  

0:00 - Introduction
0:42 - Campaign quest
1:07 - Cave entrances
1:39 - Quest: Power Unified pick up (Spark of Shadowflame)
2:11 - PVP quest for Malicia's Hoard
3:51 - Combine spark fragments
2:11 - PVP quest for Malicia's Hoard
4:51 - Trophy of Conquest
5:51 - Work order + materials needed
7:29 - Precog crafting material
8:00 - Crafting
8:47 - Recrafting
9:54 - Other embellishments/recommendations
11:49 - Conclusion

Twitter Link:   / ezgamettv  
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