Eicca and wife

Описание к видео Eicca and wife

Eicca and Wife during Finland Independence ball.

I have been reading all of the comments and decided to do something about the most asked questions.

* the language is finish ( Finland)

* His name is Eicca Toppinen. his wife is actress Kirsi Ylijoki. His the leader of a band called Apocaliptica with band members: Paavo Lötjönen, Perttu Kivilaakso, Mikko Sirén. The instruments they play are 4 cellos and a drum set. if you hear something else vocals or instruments its a singer o musician thy have invited they love to that. read everything about him in my livejournal http://gaby-acira.livejournal.com/185...

* Now to the most asked question WTH are they saying jajajja well I do not know finish (sadly) but some wonderful people have translated it for us on the comments. and sow this is it.

Klemmarisuma (thank you for the translation ;D)
She's asking how their evening is going. They are saying that it looks promising, the atmosphere feels warm and welcoming, but they haven't made it to the dance floor yet, they joked about being stuck in the media room and doing more than just a few interviews. Then she asks about was it easy to decide what to wear for the Independence day celebration. He wasn't going to wear a tux or a frak(?), because that's his work outfit and then they
critizise the excessive attention to the outfits of the guests especially the bad ones instead of the main point of the party, Finland's independence. They soften it up a bit in the end with saying it's a good thing people make an effort to dress up and look nice and leave the interviewer with grace.

* Another question was if its cold in Finland

AND WELL.... You bet-ya is could. In winter it gets so cold that the air is really dry because all the water frizzes. The lowest temperature requested is of -51.8C check the rest of the weather info in the next link http://www.fmi.fi/weather/climate_4.html

Well those were the most popular questions sorry it took so long for me to do something about it.

* I also found some aggression in several comments and will obligate me to block some users for I will not and no one should have to tolerate small minded and rude people. Pleas treat others with respect and good manners for its only you how gets a pore public reputation and end up blocked.


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