Transcending Boundaries Art Exhibition, Tri-Mission Art Gallery, Rome Italy

Описание к видео Transcending Boundaries Art Exhibition, Tri-Mission Art Gallery, Rome Italy A group art exhibition featuring original fine art by 20 artists. Held at the Tri Mission Art Gallery in Rome, Italy, American Embassy of the United States . Exhibition runs through May 6 to May 31, 2016. Artists include: Carol Porter
Carolyn Goodridge
Clement Bryant
Daniel Kathalynas
E.L. Whitley
Gloria Valdes "Tarasca"
Helen Burroughs
Hubert Jackson
Jay Durrah
John Anderson
John Antone
Khalid Thompson
Merlene Ellis
Nia Tavlarides Stratos
Phyllis Stephens
Sally Shang Ming Tsou
Tarver Harris
Vicki Marckel
Wanda L. Spence
Zenobia Rickford


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