Collar Train Your Cat

Описание к видео Collar Train Your Cat

Are you wondering if your cat needs to wear a collar? Have you tried putting a collar on your cat without success? In this cat training tutorial, I talk about the issues of cats and collars and show you a cat training method to help your cat feel confident and comfortable wearing a collar.

Have fun training!

Julie & Jones

Video Navigation:
0:27 Does your cat need to wear a collar?
2:01 Isn't a microchip enough?
2:49 Are collars dangerous?
3:41 Does my cat need a breakaway collar?
4:23 Add a tracking device to your cat's collar
4:48 Key Takeaways
5:30 Collar Training Plan

▶ Get Your Training Tools:
Check out the Cat School cat toolkit, which includes all the clicker training tools you need to train your cat:
• Website:
• Amazon (US/International):
• Amazon (Canada):

▶ Get Help With Your Training
Join our cat training community to learn, ask questions and get feedback on your training:
*Purchase our training tools and join the membership for $0 for 30 days.

▶ Meet Your Teachers: I'm Julie Posluns. My goal is to help people enrich their cat's life with clicker training. I am an Associate Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist (ACAAB). I love to break complex behaviours into tiny achievable steps and show cat lovers how fun and rewarding it is to train their cats. My assistant teacher in the video is a black cat named Jones.

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