what’s in my backpack 🎒stem student essentials

Описание к видео what’s in my backpack 🎒stem student essentials

available in 4k — ep 8 of shs diaries

hello everyone!

first installment for senior year 😳. well i’m really not that excited but yeah… lmao. in just two weeks our classes will start. only thing i’m happy about is there’s no math. we will now have bio and p6. that i’m excited about lol. also really excited for my org’s general orientation this week, will vlog this week. idk if anything is interesting tho. will post a lot before classes starts, planning to upload another makeup tutorial. you can comment if you have any suggestions.


❀ music by

Music by mj apanay - can i hit you up - https://thmatc.co/?l=FE44EB5B

Music by Ramya Pothuri - hazy - https://thmatc.co/?l=BD2E5154

Music by Babebee - help? - https://thmatc.co/?l=29AC94E2

Music by Babebee - CRUSH - https://thmatc.co/?l=4EDFB9DB

❀ socials
ig: drixxianna

❀ about me
name: drixxianna/zai
grade: incoming grade 12 STEM
age: 17 years old ('06)
location: philippines

❀ tags
#shs #shsstudent #shsphilippines #student #stem #stemstudent #gradetwelve #senioryear #senior #senioryearofhighschool #graduating #philippines #whatsinmybackpack #school #schoolessentials #haul #schoolhaul #schoolsupplies #schoolsupplieshaul #herschelbag #preparingforschool #preparing #preparingforbacktoschool #backtoschool #getreadywithme #study #ipad #apple #digitalnotetaking #ipadnotetaking #grwm #aesthetic #cute #cuteschoolsupplies #cutesupplies #whatyouneed


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