Waldeck - Senorita Rodeo

Описание к видео Waldeck - Senorita Rodeo

Waldeck & Dope Noir Records present:
Señorita Rodeo - Episode I
Waldeck, kicked out by his senorita („la Heidi“), starts a road trip and ends up in some deserted western village. He meets „The Three Mariachis“ who finally lead him the way back to Heidi´s heart.
100% Spaghetti Western! Girl Trouble at it's best:)
Waldeck on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6596y...
Waldeck on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/at/artist/wa...
Waldeck Official Website: http://waldeck.at/

starring: Klaus Waldeck & la Heidi
co-starring: Rudinho, Gustavo, Elena and the Alfa Romeo Berlina 2000
directed & edited: Christian Derringer
camera: Reinhard Mayr
p & c Dope Noir 2016


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