How to get Medicare Help

Описание к видео How to get Medicare Help

Want to get through your Medicare easily and without a bunch of stress? Giardini Medicare will provide you the Medicare education that you need and enroll you into the products that you need during your years ahead.

Whether you are turning 65, or retiring and looking to enroll into Medicare Advantage or a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) and drug plan for the first time, we can help!

Our independent insurance agents are based in Michigan, but we work over the phone (virtually) so we can also help you find the right coverage if you live in CA, AZ, TX, FL, MI, IL, IN, OH, PA, MD, NC, SC

Want more Medicare resources?: visit

To learn more about how we at Giardini Medicare can help with your Medicare Transition and to schedule a 1-on-1 phone consultation with one of our agents, visit our website at or give us a call at 248-871-7756

You can also listen to our podcast by searching "The Transition to Medicare Podcast" on the podcast player of your choice!

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and Facebook:   / giardinimedicare  


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