How does ORANGE OR15 sound?? Clean, crunch and high-gain review (No Talk)

Описание к видео How does ORANGE OR15 sound?? Clean, crunch and high-gain review (No Talk)

0:00 Humbucker Clean
0:57 Single Coil Clean
1:34 Humbucker Crunch
2:03 Single Coil Mid-Gain
2:28 Humbucker Mid-Gain
2:51 Humbucker High-Gain Sludge
3:40 Active Humbucker Crunch-Mid Gain
4:13 Active Humbucker High-Gain Metal

This full tube 15watt amp covers so many styles and would fit for a home studio or a practice setting very well. Easy to carry, one of the best lunchboxes ever.

No post-production was used except a slight low-pass and a little high-frequency cut EQ

Gear that was used:
Orange OR15
Gibson Les Paul Standard, Fender Telecaster Professional I, ESP E-II Eclipse
Emperor 2x12 (Grey Wolf 8om speakers)
Shure SM57, Shure SM58


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