Subscriber's House Tour Cordova, Cebu.

Описание к видео Subscriber's House Tour Cordova, Cebu.

Subscriber's House Tour Cordova, Cebu.
(Part 2: The House & Subdivision Tour)

I get a lot of requests to visit certain places, one subscriber asked if I do requested videos. It was something I had considered for members only when I was thinking of having channel memberships. I thought those living or stranded abroad may like the opportunity to have someone here in Cebu visit their place. So I agreed to go and film his home.

But I also wanted to show my viewers the time and effort it takes to fulfill such requests and why I have to limit making such requested videos to one day a week. Today instead of making my normal 8 to 10 videos on a filming day, I made 3, plus there are a number of expenses mostly transportation that has to be covered. I also have to make the videos interesting for my other viewers and subscribers.

Even after filming it doesn't end there, today I shot over two hours of footage, which has to then be edited, processed and uploaded. It is just me, so I shoot on multiple cameras and SD cards. I then edit and up load on multiple computers and upload over multiple internet providers simultaneously.

This video is the second of three, the house tour, the first is the journey there and the third is the journey home. So if you would like to request a special video filming day, understanding I have right of refusal, I retain full editorial control and retain all copyrights exclusively, you can email me at [email protected]

My only accepted method of payment it PayPal. with all donations after out of pocket expenses going to equipment upgrades.

Village People Philippines


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