Allison Mack Cult Recruitment Video 2014 (NXIVM, ESP, Jness, DOS, sex slave cult, pyramid scheme)

Описание к видео Allison Mack Cult Recruitment Video 2014 (NXIVM, ESP, Jness, DOS, sex slave cult, pyramid scheme)

In 2007, Allison Mack, "Smallville" television star, joined Keith Raniere's cult/pyramid scheme NXIVM. She was recruited into the scheme by fellow "Smallville" actress Kristin Kreuk. Over time, even while the cult's illegal practices grew more sinister and depraved, Mack worked her way up within the pyramidal hierarchy, eventually replacing the late Pam Cafritz at the top of Keith Raniere's personal harem and becoming second in charge of the cult's female "slaves."

After Cafritz died in 2016, Mack assumed leadership of the NXIVM subsidiary "women's group" Jness. Mack then formed a secretive subgroup within NXIVM called “Dominus Obsequious Sororium” or "Dominant Over Submissive" (DOS), in which women were coerced into serving as sex slaves.

Both "women’s groups," Jness and DOS, are based on the teachings of cult ringleader Keith Raniere. Both programs require members to keep the teachings secret.

Jness starts with entry-level "self-improvement" courses about female empowerment. Beginners are not told about the higher-level teachings until they prove themselves qualified.

After Mack assumed control of Jness, it became a training ground and recruitment camp for DOS. According to NXIVM's former publicist, the "cream" of Jness women were invited to join DOS, and the "cream" of DOS women were handpicked by Keith Raniere to become his sex slaves and join his personal harem of approximately two dozen women.

All women in DOS also provide labor as personal "slaves" for their female "masters" within the pyramid. Mack directly controls several women as their slave master.

In this 2014 testimonial video, Allison Mack promotes another NXIVM subsidiary called Executive Success Programs (ESP). This pyramid scheme is marketed by cult members as a "human empowerment" program. ESP was founded by cult ringleaders Keith Raniere (called "Vanguard" by cult members at his insistence) and Nancy Salzman (called "Prefect" by cult members at her insistence), both experts in neuro-linguistic programming (aka mind control).

The cult released this video on May 31, 2014. The footage of Mack was recorded in August 2013 at "V-Week" (short for "Vanguard Week"), a bizarre weeklong event held each August, at which dozens of NXIVM cult members travel from all over the world to Albany, New York to celebrate the birthday of their ringleader, Keith Raniere, aka "Vanguard."

In the video, Mack says that after "doing the work" in ESP's "goals lab," she "started to transform in a way that [she] never expected." She goes on to explain that prior to ESP, she "literally didn't know that you could spend time with someone and not be nervous" and that because of ESP, she has "an experience with [her] family that is nothing but joy, and it's astounding."

A person who witnessed Mack's first exposure to the cult wrote anonymously that Mack suffered from low self-esteem and was "ripe for the picking." When the cult members "love-bombed" Mack, she "ate it up like candy." Eventually, Mack would become Raniere's "main Pimp of DOS."

Victims, targets, and defectors of the secretive NXIVM cult have reported from the beginning how it preys on rich people (especially women) with low self-esteem and brainwashes its victims into believing that "there were so many problems with the world today that there were only two or three people in the world who could solve them, and 'Vanguard' was one of them."

Allison Christin Mack was arrested on April 20, 2018, on federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit forced labor. In a filing with the court, federal prosecutors asserted that Mack "is charged with using force, fraud and coercion to recruit and maintain DOS slaves, and instructing those slaves to engage in sexual acts with Raniere, among other assignments. [Mack] aggressively recruited DOS slaves and required those slaves to recruit slaves of their own. As alleged in the complaint charging [Raniere], [Mack] was focused on recruiting attractive young women who could meet Raniere’s sexual preferences."

Keith Raniere and Allison Mack both face fifteen years to life in prison.


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