eXceed 3rd: Jade Penetrate Black Package - Exceed 1CC w/TLB HD

Описание к видео eXceed 3rd: Jade Penetrate Black Package - Exceed 1CC w/TLB HD

Category: Exceed Difficulty, True Last Boss, 1 Credit Clear, Auto Bomb: OFF

Player: FantasyJared

Final Score: 9,010,850

Purchase the game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/20...

Exciting times homies! With this, today marks the very first non-Touhou upload on this channel! HOORAH! ^o^

Additionally, before we get into the meat of this description, I want to give a huge shout-out to fellow shmupper Kiwi. He helped me get this game running properly without crashes after countless months of failed troubleshooting attempts, gave me a friendly reminder to prepare myself for Remedy's Quicksilver attack, taught me that you can use your Burn Air Raid instantly by holding its button down as it reloads, and even offered to deafen me in a group voice chat when I got to Remedy to help me concentrate, which I happily accepted. None of this would have been possible without Kiwi, and I can't possibly thank the man enough.

With that being said, welcome to eXceed 3rd - Jade Penetrate Black Package! The definitive version of a well-established series, this game kicks ass in all the right areas. The gameplay encourages speedkilling and shotgunning, the soundtrack is 100% metal, the mechanics are simple yet solid, and the character design is as anime as it gets. Which - if you're me at least, cuz I'm a fuckin' weeb - is a huge plus!

With optimal play, you get roughly nine lives to work with in this game - fitting enough for a shmup with a two-phase Stage 5 boss and TLB. You gain extends by killing enemies and boss patterns quickly; the faster you take them out, the more coins that Rayne Lindwurm (the player character) will auto-collect. Additionally, it's not like Touhou where zero lives still counts as having one life left; if you're depleted to 0, your run is over and you will be asked to use a continue.

At the bottom-left of the screen is your gauge for the Burn Air Raid, or BAR for short. Your BAR Gauge is filled by a variety of things, but is most heavily impacted by grazing and speedkilling enemies/boss patterns, especially the former. Once the meter is full, you can choose to activate your BAR instantly, which unleashes a plethora of powerful, aimed fire lances toward any enemy unfortunate enough to be on the screen when this launches.

Controls are simple; you can move in eight directions, have a proper focused and unfocused shot, can see Rayne's hurtbox when focused, and get three bombs per life. They're pretty strong here too, packing decent range and impressive power. Combine this with your BAR and the fact that you deal significantly more damage when shotgunning - or shooting at enemies in point-blank range - and you can kill shit really fast in this game.

Overall, I am extremely happy with this run! This was the result of a day or two of boss practice combined with a previously earned Hard TLB 1CC, which you can also see the replay file for at the start of the video. I got hella stressed out during Remedy, which was equally terrifying as it was exhilarating! Also had a lame death somewhere in the early game; it was during a certain stage segment which I was extremely consistent at in practice. But I ain't gonna spoil the entire run, or my name is Lelouch vi Brittania...and it's not!

PS: Special shout-outs to Celestial Float, Magma Diving, and Dragoon Tempest for being devastating runkillers. Regarding the first attack there, funny that the Stage 1 boss has arguably the hardest attack in the entire game, right? Figure that one out on your own.

Stage 1 - 0:00
Stage 2 - 3:45
Stage 3 - 8:19
Stage 4 - 13:30
Stage 5 - 18:37
Stage 6 - 28:27

#eXceed #Danmaku #1CC


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