Human-Robot Collaboration - Explaining Different Levels of Collaboration Between Humans and Robots

Описание к видео Human-Robot Collaboration - Explaining Different Levels of Collaboration Between Humans and Robots

There are many advantages to integrating cobots into manufacturing systems, but did you know that human/robot collaboration is not as simply straightforward as one might think?

There are many different levels of collaboration between humans and robots and varying degrees between each of the levels.

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The levels of collaboration are:
1. Fenced Robot - The robot has perimeter fencing separating the workspace between the robot and worker.
2. Coexistence - The robot has no fencing, utilizes safety rated electrical sensors and scanners, and has its own workspace.
3. Sequential Collaboration - The robot utilizes safety rated electrical scanners, uses safety rated robot controls, and utilizes a shared workspace with the worker at separate times.
4. Cooperation - Force monitoring robot shares the workspace with the worker while both work on their own projects.
5. Responsive Collaboration - Force monitoring robot shares workspace with worker and both simultaneously work on the same product.

At Zeta Group Engineering, with safety being our top priority, we will ensure your system is set up with the appropriate features to make sure workers and robots are collaborating at a level appropriate for your specific system needs.


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