A trip to the city: buying school supplies and learning about the colorfulness of Iranian spices

Описание к видео A trip to the city: buying school supplies and learning about the colorfulness of Iranian spices

In the story above, Sadiq and his family decide to go to town one summer morning to buy school supplies for their children. They pass through the old bazaars of the city and witness the enthusiasm of people to buy school supplies. By buying children's stationery and shoe bags, all family members will be happy.

Also, this story mentions the beauty of the market and aromatic and medicinal spices for treatment and Iranian cooking. Sadegh and his family get to know these spices and are happy and enjoy shopping and experience returning home.

This story is a beautiful picture of happy and beautiful moments in the life of the family, who experience special and pleasant moments with a short trip to the city and buy school supplies and learn about Iranian spices and medicines.

#Purchasingschool supplies#Iranianspices#Old markets#summermorning#Enjoyshopping#beautyofthemarket#Purchasingstationery#joyandpleasure#Familiaritywithspices#Thearomaofspices#SadiqandElham


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